D2.6 - Report on Communications Activities

"A review and report of communications activities over the first 12 month period with a tactical look forward across months 12 – 24"

Executive Summary

The report details communications activities made with parties external to the project team and the EC against the structure of intended activities laid out in the 4C Project Communications Plan, between month 1 and month 11 - 1 February 2013 to 31 December 2013, with a later addendum covering month 12, January 2014.

In total, the 4C Project has undertaken the following summary of activities:

Communication and information exchange with EC-funded and other projects and organisations

Engagement with fourteen EU Projects and/or other organisations

Stakeholder focus groups and workshops

Engagement with stakeholders on four occasions

Advisory Board Meetings

Two Advisory Board Meetings held, with one more planned for 2014

Project Website

Thirty one posts to the 4C Project Website, including deliverables, news items and blogs

Social Media

Three hundred and nine tweets

Conferences and Events

4C representation at thirteen conferences and events


Twenty two articles published


Seven reports published

The project CRM system, hosted on the project website contains 324 contacts with whom 4C has engaged. Furthermore, web statistics show suggest these followers of the project are most interested in new resources to assist in their own digital curation projects. This is particularly evidenced by the response to the upload of D3.1—Evaluation of Cost Models and Needs & Gaps Analysis (MS12 Draft) which demonstrates an enormous appetite for information in this area.

The demographic reports for twitter and the web also show that there is a wide audience and appetite for the 4C Project and the information it disseminates, as well as a potential to expand stakeholder engagement by targeting contacts within identified regions.

Results of the communications activities show a good level of interest and engagement in the project and its outcomes, and generally the project is achieving its goals for communications targets set in the 4C Project Communications Plan.

D2.6 - Report on Communications Activities (2.8 MB)

D2.6 - Report on Communications Activities: Month 12 Addendum (847.29 kB)